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Planning Your Child’s First Birthday!
Your baby’s first birthday is an exciting day and certainly something to celebrate. However it is important to bear in mind that your baby won’t appreciate anything too extravagant or over the top and that keeping things simple will actually make for a better time, for both you and your child. Here are our top tips for throwing a 1st Birthday Party!
Tip 1: Only invite Family and Friends
As tempting as it may be to invite lots of people we recommend that you make this party a small gathering. Whilst you may want to invite many people to this special occasion, it is best to keep this event small and intimate. Your child may be unsettled by people they don’t know very well, so it’s wise to stick to just inviting close friends and family whom he/she has met many times before. At this point your baby is still very closely attached to you and the best way you can make this a special day for him or her, is to give them lots of undivided attention.
Tip 2: Work around your baby’s normal routine
Even though it is an incredibly special day, by the age of one your baby will have settled into a certain routine and the day will run a lot smoother if you continue to follow this schedule. Don’t disrupt their nap time or when you usually feed them, but work around it.
Tip 3: Keep your venue close to home
If you are keeping the party small and intimate, your home is the ideal place to hold your party as it is familiar to your child and if you need anything during the party you will have it at hand. Make sure you keep pets well away from the scene however and that everywhere is baby-proofed with stair gates etc!
Tip 4: Keep decorations simple
Why not put up a few decorations to ensure you have the party atmosphere but make sure you don’t use any decorations with serious choking hazards and keep a watchful eye.
Tip 5: Play with your child
Whilst you won’t be playing pass the parcel or pin the tail on the donkey, make sure that you have some entertainment for your child, such as a nursery rhymes CD on in the background. Peek-a-boo games or the tickle-monster will also go down a storm, and opening presents should be made as exciting as possible - even if he/she doesn’t quite get it yet! If there are older children attending this party too its worth considering entertainment for them too.
Tip 6: Serve finger food but prepare for it to be mainly played with!
If there are other children at your party you will probably need to cater for a number of tastes and stages of development. A lot of food will just be played with and chocolate biscuits and jelly can be incredibly messy. They are however fun for little ones if you don’t mind the mess! Tiny sandwiches, fruit platters (without any seeds), cheese cubes, breadsticks and biscuits are also good ideas. With regards to drinks, if you have other children coming maybe stock up on some milk and diluted fruit juices.
Tip 7: Don’t forget the cake
Even though your child is slightly too young to fully appreciate the cake, it is an important addition to any party and can make the occasion extra special. Whether you bake one yourself or nip down to Tesco, make sure you don’t forget one and that you keep your child away from the candle!
Tip 8: Take loads of photos!
At your child’s first birthday there will be a lot to supervise and organise! Make sure that you have a family member or friend taking lots of photos, this is an occasion you will want to document!
Most importantly enjoy this day! There will be many more birthdays to come but this is your child’s very first! Try not to get stressed about proceedings afterall your baby will just enjoy cuddles with their parents above all else!